
Our photo gallery has Just a few sandblasted signs and other projects.

Here in our photo gallery are a few samples of our work. You can see a sample of our process on our stone tutorial page. You can also see us on our Facebook page. These photos are just a few of the items we have created over the years. Our site went down 10 years ago and sadly we lost many of our photos of past work. But we are rebuilding and will have more up soon.

Does anyone even know what a renaissance man is?

The dictionary says a person with many talents or areas of knowledge“.

There was a time not that long ago that these men were much sought after for their knowledge. But sadly it seems these days’ folks just don’t show much respect to these men (and women) that have spent a lifetime learning a great deal about a great many things.

I remember working with an 84-year-old carpenter. When I was in my mid 20’s. Every day I would carry this man’s toolbox into the job site for him because at his age it was hard for him to carry. I, on the other hand, was quite capable of carrying both his and mine.
Now mind you I was raised to show respect for my elders and to me, that was all I was doing. I did this because, well frankly, I was raised that way.

What that man taught me has lasted a lifetime. I would help him with heavy lifting and he would come over to share his tips, he was indeed a master craftsman! Now he did NOT share his knowledge with everyone, but rather a few young men that show him respect. I was one of those lucky young men. So what does this have to do with Renaissance man? His tips were not just about woodworking, but about learning everything you can about anything.

These days’ young men want to start out as the boss and bypass working their way up the ladder. But you miss out; you need the time to learn from a few masters along the way. Remember there is no shame in any kind of “work” that will bring in the money to support either your family or just yourself. Those little jobs can be gold mines of knowledge because they teach you what you like and dislike when working. Don’t be afraid to take on a task at work that is not in your job description if it is something that will leave you with more knowledge than before. Always be learning, always growing in your knowledge base so someday someone may call you a Renaissance man!

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