Motivational Moments are something we all need. A man named Zig Ziglar once said ” People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

What is a Renaissance Man?

Does anyone even know what a renaissance man is? The dictionary says "a person with many talents or areas of knowledge". There was a time not that long ago that a renaissance man we much sought after for their knowledge. But sadly it seems these days’ folks just don't show much respect to these men (and women) that have spent a lifetime learning a great deal about a great many things. I worked with an 84-year-old carpenter. I was in my 20's. Every day I would carry this man's toolbox into the job site for him because it was hard for him to carry at his age. Now I was quite capable of carrying both his and mine. I was raised to show respect for my elders, to me, that was all I was doing. I did this because It was how I was raised. But what that man taught me has lasted a lifetime. I help him with the heavy lifting and he would share his tips, he was indeed a master craftsman! He did NOT share his knowledge with everyone, but rather a few young men that show him respect. I was one of those lucky young men and the others that he would not share these treasures disliked anyone that was lucky enough…

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