Proud to be Blue Collar

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I have always been Proud to be a Blue Collar Working Man.

I'm proud to be blue collar because we get things DONE! This is just a short video explaining who I am and why I feel the need for this channel. Retirement has benefits beyond not having to get up at 4:30 am every morning. It means I no longer have to hold my tough because the boss says so, NOW I am the boss! I'm sure many of you will not always agree with my thoughts. But that is OK because they are after all my thoughts. But after almost 70 years on this planet I believe I have learned a thing or two. In other words I'm old and I know stuff! So buckle up buttercup because it is going to be a rough ride at times. Now first let me say I am NOT good at this, in fact I am pretty bad. But in all things you start out bad and with work you get better as you go. I have given myself permission to suck at this while I learn to get better. Let that is our first lesson. You must give yourself permission to suck at something new before you can start to improve at it! Then you must continue on until you get better and then finally master the craft.…

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How to apply a difficult wall decal in minutes

How to apply a difficult decal in minutes. Sometimes for reasons unknown the vinyl does not want to lift up with the transfer paper. This video will show a tip on how to get it to lift just about every time. I made this video over 10 yrs ago to help a lady that was trying to get her nursery ready. This is from my old channel , but For reasons unknown YouTube will not let me log into my old channel so I am sharing this one again here. I believe folks like this video because it had 146k in views so i think it is worth sharing again. I think that sometimes these decals are exposed to heat in shipment. This could be one of the reasons why they become a difficult wall decal. But I can assure you that if I can do it, so can you. Just take your time, relax and follow the step and you'll be amazed once you are done. Sometimes it is the wall prep that can make applying a wall decal difficult. You should first clean the wall of any dirt or dust. Trust me unless you just painted the wall last week it's dusty. I have seen home that are spotless have trouble with dusty…

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Jack Smith Tampered with the Evidence in Donald Trump Trial!

Read more about the article Jack Smith Tampered with the Evidence in Donald Trump Trial!
Staged photo of false evidence in Donald Trump trial

Jack Smith admits that evidence has been manipulated tampered with and staged. Jack Smith wrote to the court to inform them that evidence has been manipulated, tampered with, or staged by his office! Basically Jack admitted this is court document that they staged those photos. Now I ask you how can America believe one word of his “manipulated evidence”? We have no real way of knowing how deep this deception goes. How are we to sort out what is real and what they “manipulated”? We CAN’T! The whole list of charges needs to be thrown out! Jack Smith, along with his team need to be charged with evidence tampering! They brought into the President Trump home secret and top secret cover sheet that they added to files that were personal and had noting to do with the search warrant! This is not suppose to happen in this country! Undoubtedly they planted false evidence to take those photos to show the world! At this point it is important to realize, if it were you or I would the justice department even think twice about locking us up? However, we would already be in JAIL! Therefore the same laws apply to us MUST be applied to Jack Smith! I can only see one thing that can be done here, Jack…

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Sandcarving Tips Blog

Sandcarving tips blog! If you have been looking for a place to learn about how to sand carve in both glass and stone then you have found it here in our sandcarving tips blog. Our cutting-edge sandcarving forum was the place to learn it all. 10 years ago our forum and the web domain that my wife and I spent years building up was taken away. We had no idea that it expired (even though I was never told that it was). I was told that the name was worth thousands. But I could buy back my own name if I paid thousands. I do NOT give in to folks like that! People loved to come to the forum to learn more sandcarving tips.We never made a dime from the forum. The wife and I just did it to help others learn and give them a place to enjoy the trade that we loved so much. It was a hobby then and as I am retired (as of February 28, 2022) it will be our hobby. Back before YouTube had a video for every subject we had this little stone tutorial with pictures.

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