Jack Smith Tampered with the Evidence in Donald Trump Trial!

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Staged photo of false evidence in Donald Trump trial

Jack Smith admits that evidence has been manipulated tampered with and staged. Jack Smith wrote to the court to inform them that evidence has been manipulated, tampered with, or staged by his office! Basically Jack admitted this is court document that they staged those photos. Now I ask you how can America believe one word of his “manipulated evidence”? We have no real way of knowing how deep this deception goes. How are we to sort out what is real and what they “manipulated”? We CAN’T! The whole list of charges needs to be thrown out! Jack Smith, along with his team need to be charged with evidence tampering! They brought into the President Trump home secret and top secret cover sheet that they added to files that were personal and had noting to do with the search warrant! This is not suppose to happen in this country!

Undoubtedly they planted false evidence to take those photos to show the world! At this point it is important to realize, if it were you or I would the justice department even think twice about locking us up? However, we would already be in JAIL! Therefore the same laws apply to us MUST be applied to Jack Smith! I can only see one thing that can be done here, Jack Smith must go to jail along with everyone else that was involved in the Tampered Evidence in Donald Trump Trial!

All of this has cause Judge Aileen Cannon to postponed Special Counsel Jack Smith’s classified document lawfare case indefinitely. Just days after Jack Smith Tampered with the Evidence in Donald Trump Trial!

But the Department of Justice lets Joe Biden Walk!

While at the same time the DOJ, under President Joe Biden’s leadership, declined to charge Biden for his own classified documents scandal after a special counsel decided it would be too hard to convince a jury that the aging president committed a “serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness” because he is an “elderly man with a poor memory.” Funny how the DOJ has gone after President Trump for something he had authority to have. But declined to go after Joe Biden for documents that he had NO authority to have, EVER! Yea this two tiered justice system only works if in your favor if you are a democrat. But we will be here watching them and reporting here what we find!

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