Sandcarving Tips Blog

Sandcarving tips blog! If you have been looking for a place to learn about how to sand carve in both glass and stone then you have found it here in our sandcarving tips blog. Our cutting-edge sandcarving forum was the place to learn it all. 10 years ago our forum and the web domain that my wife and I spent years building up was taken away. We had no idea that it expired (even though I was never told that it was). I was told that the name was worth thousands. But I could buy back my own name if I paid thousands. I do NOT give in to folks like that! People loved to come to the forum to learn more sandcarving tips.

We never made a dime from the forum. The wife and I just did it to help others learn and give them a place to enjoy the trade that we loved so much. It was a hobby then and as I am retired (as of February 28, 2022) it will be our hobby. Back before YouTube had a video for every subject we had this little stone tutorial with pictures.

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