Proud to be Blue Collar

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I have always been Proud to be a Blue Collar Working Man.

I'm proud to be blue collar because we get things DONE! This is just a short video explaining who I am and why I feel the need for this channel. Retirement has benefits beyond not having to get up at 4:30 am every morning. It means I no longer have to hold my tough because the boss says so, NOW I am the boss! I'm sure many of you will not always agree with my thoughts. But that is OK because they are after all my thoughts. But after almost 70 years on this planet I believe I have learned a thing or two. In other words I'm old and I know stuff! So buckle up buttercup because it is going to be a rough ride at times. Now first let me say I am NOT good at this, in fact I am pretty bad. But in all things you start out bad and with work you get better as you go. I have given myself permission to suck at this while I learn to get better. Let that is our first lesson. You must give yourself permission to suck at something new before you can start to improve at it! Then you must continue on until you get better and then finally master the craft.…

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