Cutting Edge Sandcarving created art in stone and glass etching or sandblasting deeper into stones. Cutting edge sandcarving has been working in stone and glass for about 20 years.

But we also did custom awards like the one below. The art we created in both stone and glass like the one below was created for sign forums for the gathering they had in Las Vegas. It is 1/2 thick glass beautifully etched on a black walnut base.

Welcome to our new home on the web. This site will be changing soon so check back often to see the latest in what is going on. I am not rushing because I retire on February 28, 2022, and after that a short vacation, I’ll be getting started on this page.

Thank you
Chuck Cobb

Art in stone and glass this custom Award in 1/2" glass and black walnut base
Special Award

I am NOT going to rebuilding our forum. However you can use our facebook page for any questions you may have. Our domain name was “STOLEN”, I still don’t know how that happened. It was then I was told I could buy back my own domain name for thousands of dollars. however, I was NOT going to pay to get back my own domain under those circumstances. It took almost 10 years but I have my domain back.

I have decided with the internet being what it is today to NOT rebuild what we once had because that time is gone.Those of you that were part of the old forum. Thank you for making the cutting edge sandcarving form the largest of it’s kind on the internet. We hope you found it useful.